Industrial Affiliates Program
To conduct outreach and technical support of commercial-grade software developed by the SHPC group for industrial participants, as well as engage in the fundamental research that underlies this software. The uniqueness of the affiliates program stems from the interdisciplinary research conducted by computer scientists, applied mathematicians, and computational scientists. The outreach activities and research focus on how to exploit advances in knowledge and insight at the intersection of algorithms, architectures, and applications.
The affiliates program will enable SHPC to become the de facto leader in the arena of open source dense linear algebra software and related applications. It will further enhance existing collaborations between ICES centers, CS, Chemistry, ECE, TACC, and SDS as well as our collaborators at other institutions.
Benefits of membership
Corporate members have access to leading-edge research related to high-performance numerical software development and resulting artifacts, via- Workshops;
- Annual affiliate meetings;
- Campus visits by affiliates;
- Corporate visits by faculty members;
- SHPC technical reports, publications, and multimedia presentations of the group's activities;
- Funded short-term ``residences'' with our group in which members of our Affiliates' corporate staff work alongside SHPC faculty, scientists and students.
- Early access to software and support for that software.
Corporate sponsorship yields a highly leveraged return, thanks to the large and diverse portfolio of other funding within SHPC. It also provides an effective means of conducting exploratory or fundamental research that would be difficult to perform in-house by industry.
Industrial Affiliate Membership
There is a tiered annual fee for membership:-
Premier Membership - gives the corporate affiliate a seat on
the steering committee and a voice over setting the priorities for
the group. This is in addition to the standard membership benefits
as outlined in the table below.
Standard Membership - gives the corporate affiliate access to
the benefits indicated in the table below. Standard memberships are
for mid- to large companies (typically greater than 25 employees).
Entry-Level Membership -
gives the corporate affiliate access to the benefits outlined in the
table below. This level of membership is for smaller organizations
typically with 25 or fewer employees.
Benefit | Premier | Standard | Entry-Level |
Steering Committee Seat | X | . | . |
Free Workshop Access | X | X | X |
Free Affiliates Mtg. Access | X | X | X |
Campus Visits by Affiliate | X | X | . |
Corporate Visits by Faculty | X | X | . |
Short-Term Residences | X | X | . |
Access to Publications | X | X | X |
Early Access to Software | X | X | X |
Software Support | X | X | . |
Early Access to Students | X | X | X |
The funds raised by the program will be used primarily to support basic research. A small portion will defray the costs of annual meetings, technical reports, computational facilities and to supplement travel and other expenses for project graduate students, postdoctorates, visitors, and faculty. and other support costs.